Fortis Wealth Group

Dial Down Financial Anxieties.
Connect with Our Team for Specialized Guidance

Joseph Vanacore III

Stephen Kuchinski

James Zahakos

Fortis Wealth Group’s – Advisory Team

Our mission is to understand the wants & needs of our anesthesia professionals, providing you with practical and comprehensive advice, delivering the highest level of service to you with integrity while assisting you with every stage in the life cycle. If you’d to schedule a time with a team member of Fortis click the button below.

Beyond Anesthesia: Mastering Your Financial Health 

Unlock pathways to career growth while efficiently managing and reducing student loan obligations.

Let us review your benefits with you to comprehensively develop a strategic plan for your retirement and with a goal to ensure robust coverage for your family.

Choose from a variety of insurance services sourced from over 30 reputable carriers.

Aiming to ensure financial stability even in unforeseen circumstances, allowing you to focus on what matters—your career and well-being.

Craft a confident future with personalized retirement plans, including strategies for seeking to maximize your retirement income.

Develop a diversified portfolio aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance, helping you manage and preserve your wealth.

Leverage competitive strategies to build long-term wealth while minimizing tax liabilities.

Preserve your wealth and create a legacy with customized estate planning and wealth transfer strategies.

Aim to optimize your investments with strategies designed with a goal to reduce your tax burden and maximize returns.

To pursue clarity and confidence with a tailored plan to work towards your short-term and long-term financial goals.

Aim to ensure a stable income stream for retirement with customized annuity options designed with a goal to meet your long-term financial needs.

New Jersey Association of Nurse Anesthetist (NJANA) is not affiliated with LPL Financial or Fortis Wealth Group.

Investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss.

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advice offered through Fortis Group Advisors, a registered investment advisor.  Fortis Group Advisors and Fortis Wealth Group are separate entities from LPL Financial.