Heather M Borbely, MSN, CRNA, APN-Anesthesia, has been active in the AANA and the New Jersey State Association throughout her Nurse Anesthesia career. Starting as a student representative to the Federal Political Director for the New Jersey Association for Nurse Anesthetists (NJANA) and she continued on to take over this role as the Federal Political Director (FPD) once she was a certified practitioner and continues in this role today. She is also now serving in the role of Secretary on the NJANA Board of Directors and serves on the State and Government Public relations Committee. Heather has also participated in the AANA Student Mentorship program at the annual Mid- Year Assembly, as a student and also now as an active member, mentoring our current students to why it is important to be an active participant in our state and national organization.
Heather is presently a staff Anesthetist at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. She earned her BA is Psychology at Fort Lewis College prior to continuing on to a career in Nursing. She earned her AS in Nursing at San Diego State College in San Diego, CA. During this time she was a Corpsman in the United States Navy Reserves from March 2000-March 2008. She then went on to receive her BSN at Felician College in Lodi, NJ. During this time she was deployed oversees to Landstuhl Regional Medical center in Landstuhl, Germany, from October 2006-October 2007. Heather then earned her MSN in Nurse Anesthesia from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. Heather also remains an active member in the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.