Mamdoh Michael, MS, APA-A, CRNA, is a practicing CRNA within the state of New Jersey. He graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1998, and received a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Drexel University with Certificate of Anesthesia from the Lady of Lourdes Anesthesia program in 2009.
Mamdoh also holds a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt. He has practiced at a variety of hospitals throughout central and northern NJ. Serving his community is central to his role as a CRNA and contributes to annual medical mission trips to his native country of Egypt as well as being a deacon at St. Anianus Coptic Orthodox Church. He has been married for over 27 years and has two children. In his free time, he enjoys fishing, cooking, and entertaining friends.